As noted in the first answer above, the surface to be tiled, in your case the floor, must be flat within 1/8” in 10′ when measured from the high points of the floor. To achieve this, be sure to use the appropriate patch or self-leveling compound (with the same manufacturer’s primer), but never thin set mortar.Click to see full answer. Thereof, how do you tile an uneven concrete floor?Lay a flat board over the tiles, paying attention to the uneven spots, and beat the board with a rubber mallet. This will drive the tiles deeper into the mortar; if more pressure is placed on low spots than on high ones, it can even out the finished surface of the tile installation.Similarly, do I need to level concrete floor before tiling? Because concrete floor surfaces frequently have small dips and hills, they must be leveled before installing tiles on them. Using a self-leveling floor compound will help ensure that the concrete is completely flat before you lay the tiles. Check the flatness of the concrete with a level. Similarly, it is asked, how level must a floor be to tile? A floor does not have to be level for ceramic tile but it does need to be flat. Flat means no washboard effect, level means a ball wont roll to one wall. Put down the cement board as it will be a better bond for the thinset, then pour some self leveling cement in the low spot.What is the best flooring for an uneven floor?If your floor is less than perfect, your best flooring options are carpet, vinyl or linoleum. You might be able to get away with tiles, but you’ll have to use a floor leveling product or lots of mastic.
